We have officially moved! Click to see where we are now!

We have officially moved! Click to see where we are now!
We have officially moved! Click to see where we are now!
Celebrating is about sharing, telling stories, talking. It's about eating a piece of cake that a friend made for you, having a glass of wine or savoring a cup of coffee. It's that unknown sensation that doesn't let you get up from the table after eating. It's much more than just placing silverware and plates on a table, it's creating an ambience, a style, a sensation, an unforgettable memory.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009



Una bebida  de invierno a base de vino con especias, cítricos y sidra de manzana. De la misma manera se puede preparar Mulled Cider sin vino solo con la sidra de manzana, especias y cítricos.
Las medidas son al gusto de cada quien el azúcar aproximadamente media taza, el Cointreau como 3 cucharadas.
Calentar el jugo de manzana con el azúcar hasta disolver agregar las especias, cítricos, vino y licor. Cocinar por aproximadamente 20 minutos a fuego bajo.
Se puede servir con un palito de canela, una ruedita de manzana , unos arándanos o estrella de anís.

1 botella de vino tinto
Sidra de manzana
Cointreau o Brandy
Concha  de limon
Concha de naranja
Palitos de canela
Anís estrellado
Pimienta de Jamaica ( guayabita)

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