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Celebrating is about sharing, telling stories, talking. It's about eating a piece of cake that a friend made for you, having a glass of wine or savoring a cup of coffee. It's that unknown sensation that doesn't let you get up from the table after eating. It's much more than just placing silverware and plates on a table, it's creating an ambience, a style, a sensation, an unforgettable memory.

Friday, March 12, 2010



Viene el fruto de la palmera de a açaí. 
Su sabor una mezcla de "berries", cacao, vino tinto algo áspero pero con un final aterciopelado, es el sabor que siento en este momento que lo estoy comiendo. 
 Açaí contiene una potente mezcla de antioxidantes mas que los árandalos, las uvas o el vino tinto.
Ayuda a combatir el envejecimiento prematuro con alto contenido de nutrientes, proteínas, vitaminas y minerales.
Con beneficios para bajar el colesterol, aumenta la energía, elimina las toxinas, evita enfermedades cardiovasculares, rejuvenece las células, mejora la visión, ayuda a bajar de peso y fortalece el sistema inmunologico.
Se puede encontrar en jugos, bebidas energéticas, merengadas, cápsulas, en polvo o la pulpa congelada que es la que mas me gusta. La uso en la preparación de comidas, batidos, en salsas, vinagretas y postres. Deliciosa batida con yogur o leche de arroz.
Cambiando el tema de lo sano y natural, Incluso en cocteles con vodka o martinis.


Ana said...

Dear Lola:
Great site, loved the recipes and all the interesting tips!
I just did with Anabelle the 3 days Perricone's face litf diet,it was very easy to follow and we felt great, even after the first day on it!

I am more than 60 years"young" with mild angina, but I was able to excercise (long walks, stairs, etc) without any episode!

Also we both noticed amazing softness in our hands and face, of course, the wrinkles are still there...hahaha but there is more brightness and better complexion without doubt!

For Anabelle the most important result was not having digestive problems at all, therefore we are very happy to have tried the diet for 3 days;the ideal will be to be on it all the time, but for sure we'll do it at least once a month, it's excellent even to loose some weight, we both lost 1 or 2 pounds...what an incredible side effect!

Keep on the good work Lola,until next time

David and Anabelle

Ana said...

Sorry...Este comentario lo escribio Dave en el sitio que no era,,,,Debia haberlo hecho en la dieta Face Lift de Perricone, OOPS!

BChang said...

I cant live withou it!!!

This is the kind of food you must have now!!

before it gets manipulated by Monsanto...........