We have officially moved! Click to see where we are now!

We have officially moved! Click to see where we are now!
We have officially moved! Click to see where we are now!
Celebrating is about sharing, telling stories, talking. It's about eating a piece of cake that a friend made for you, having a glass of wine or savoring a cup of coffee. It's that unknown sensation that doesn't let you get up from the table after eating. It's much more than just placing silverware and plates on a table, it's creating an ambience, a style, a sensation, an unforgettable memory.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Con un toque exótico para las navidades, un cóctel de ron & citronella

2oz. de ron blanco
1oz  de syrup de lemongrass ( citronella )
1oz de jugo de limón

lemongrass syrup
2 tazas de agua
1 taza de azúcar
3 tallos de lemongrass en trozos

 Para preparar el syrup, colocar todos los ingredientes  en una olla y llevar a ebullición. Bajar el fuego y  seguir cocinando a fuego lento por 30 minutos, retirar, dejar enfriar y colar.

Para hacer el cóctel mezclar  el syrup con el resto de los ingredientes en una coctelera con hielo, colar y servir.

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